Useful Software
DF Perl Informer v1.61 |

Perl Informer - Small Perl script, permitting to find out a lot of a useful information about the server and client. The greatest amount of an information about the server will displayed in Linux, and about the client in browser Internet Explorer.
Download: perlinfo.cgi perlinfo.zip
(downloaded 922 times since 26.09.2003)
Server Information:
- Operation System
- Host Name
- Server Name
- Server IP
- Local Time and Greenwich Mean Time of server
- Server Software
- Document Root
- Disk Usage by Root
- Perl Version
- C++ Library version
Crypt: Standart - checking is differed the algorithm of crypt passwords from standard (DES)
Attribute and Permissions
- ID and a name of the user from which execute the script (User)
- ID-groups is carried out and the name of groups which belongs the user (Group)
- ID and a name of the owner of a script (Script Owner User)
- ID-groups and the name of groups which belongs the owner of a script (Script Owner Group)
- File Permissions (the owner, a member of group, other users)
System Paths
- Full path to the current script on a disk (Script Path)
- Location of Sendmail, Apache (httpd), MySQL, htpasswd, Perl, Mail, Perl modules, Tar, GZip, Zip
Server Details
- The version of operational system, date and an installation time, etc.
- Date and time of last reboot a server (Last reboot time)
- Average loading of a server from the moment of last reboot (Average server usage)
- Users working at present on a server (Working users)
- Awake processes (all processes, processes only the current user)
- Information about the processor: number, model name, frequency, the size cache memories, speed and other characteristics CPU
- Memory: in total memories, used, free and other
- Use of disk space: sections, all place, the used space accessible to use space, percent of use, point of mounted
- Devices: network cards, video, hard disks and other
User Information
- User Agent
- Operation system
- CPU family
- Browser Name
- User IP
- IP proxy of server (if is not used anonymous proxy)
- Accept Language
- Cookie
- Referrer
- Time and Date
- Screen resolution and ñolor
- Connection Type
- Permitted use Java (JavaEnabled)
- Is permitted use Cookie (CookiesEnabled)
Environment Variables
- Are enumerated all variable environments in the alphabetical order
- Perl environments(Other Variables)
Perl Modules
- Are enumerated in the alphabetical order perl modules installed on the server
Some displayed information can be confidential, so we recommend to use the authorized access. For applying the password you can click on link "protect".
The licensing agreement
• DF™ Perl Informer is distributed on a principle "as is". Any warranties not and it is not meant. You use the program at own risk. The author does not bear the responsibility for possible data losses, damages, losses of the profit and other losses, occured because of using the program.
• The publication of the distribution kit of the program on the sites is supposed only with the consent of the authors.
• The deleting or concealment of the reference leading on ours site without the consent of the authors is not allowed.
The use of a software product implies the full consent with listed above requests
The free technical support for DF™ Perl Informer DOES NOT RENDERED. The paid technical support: software installation or consultation.
Please, inform us on the found errors on web-mail
C++ Miner C++ Miner - Program print environment variables, rights of access, server time etc.
Example | Download:
cminer.cpp - source on C++
linux_cminer.cgi - compiled under Linux
linux_static_cminer.cgi - compiled under Linux with static libraries
freebsd_cminer.cgi - compiled under FreeBSD
cminer.exe - compiled under Windows